A trick portrait from my early years, and one that established a bit of a reputation - I`m sure because it was then very different from the usual club portraiture. The picture won the club portrait trophy, and the first prize in a local agricultural show photo competition - work that one out ! It has also appeared in two photo magazines. The picture was taken on a twin lens reflex - not a common camera these days, but still very useful as many of them allow double exposure. The film was 120 monochrome. I set up the girl against a BLACK background and lit her using a photoflood bulb. The exposure was calculated using a Weston hand held meter and the first exposure made. Then, by cocking the shutter but NOT winding on the film, the girl was repositioned for the second shot, and the second exposure made on the same piece of film. There is an element of luck, but careful planning usually means the composition is not too far off. Doing it by multiple exposure does make printing easier, and would have work as a colour slide. Two separate negatives could have been shot, then BOTH PUT IN THE ENLARGER CARRIER TOGETHER AS A SANDWICH.